You are an unimaginative pea-brained idiot.
You are a pea-brained idiot.
You are an idiot.

If you are thinking that this is an astonishing break from ordinary,that this is an example where the last,is indeed the least,please read ahead.

I would hereby like to make a declaration,I have declared a spite campaign against all people who pepper their speeches every now and then with this done-to-death cliche.
I mean,jeez guys,really,this phrase must have lost its charm the second it came out of the lips of the original guy who said it.To him it must have been one of those things that sound super-witty in your head,but when u blurt them out,are just as lame as a man who's lost both his legs in a freak alligator attack.

Yes,we get it,you love to vocalise truisms.You have absolutely no sense of wit.For you each and every statement has to be decorated with borrowed intelligence.From now on,whenever you talk,we are going to assume that you eternally talk like one of those count-down shows where the FIRST,is the least,and the last is definitely,absoultely and excruciatingly,not the least.Thank you.

Amongst others who would also like to thank you is the kid who,when asked the antonym of 'first',said 'last but not the least'(having being a victim of many such painful speeches),naturally scored the lowest in class and when asked about his position by his parents,answered the same 'last but not the least" to get a nice whipping for being over smart.And he still doesn't know why his answer was wrong.Thank you.Idiots.