And suddenly cynicism is fashionable!
We now have people from Barack"Kayne-West-is-a-jackass" Obama to Karan"im-so-girly-i-doubt-i'll-ever-grow-a-beard" Johar beating their drums about being cynics...and the general public will undoubtedly follow suit...though i wont be surpised if more people will follow Karan's lead than Obama's...coz oddly for the public,men with bits of feminne streaks often find themselves as social icons...take beckham or michael jackson(my granny still doesnt know his gender)...anyways,reverting back...its this spotlight on cynicism that bothers me,after all, not everyone can carry it off.A cynic is a person who lives on a different plane of existence...he looks down upon all ordinary mortals with a nonchalant disdain thats even greater than what mr. Tharoor shows for the 'cattle class'(cant help it! i just had to include this farcical event in my blog...otherwise i wouldnt be considered amongst the fashionably knowledgeable bloggers of yore)...cynics have this air of knowing things around them...the fallacies of governments,the shortcomings of the systems,why things wont work practically when they work like a dream on paper...its this feeling of 'seen-it-all-done-it-better-than-you' that a cynic shares with his brethren which attracts the ordinary mortals towards him....however for being an actual needs to have those required personality traits...a religious belief in Murphy's laws,the ability to come up with stormclouds on the sunniest days imaginable,the ability to fret over things that are proven to be failure-proof....the charm of a cynic lies in his pessimist aura....and it needs to be strengthened witha huge scowl which scares the daylights out of the darn optimism
We now have people from Barack"Kayne-West-is-a-jackass" Obama to Karan"im-so-girly-i-doubt-i'll-ever-grow-a-beard" Johar beating their drums about being cynics...and the general public will undoubtedly follow suit...though i wont be surpised if more people will follow Karan's lead than Obama's...coz oddly for the public,men with bits of feminne streaks often find themselves as social icons...take beckham or michael jackson(my granny still doesnt know his gender)...anyways,reverting back...its this spotlight on cynicism that bothers me,after all, not everyone can carry it off.A cynic is a person who lives on a different plane of existence...he looks down upon all ordinary mortals with a nonchalant disdain thats even greater than what mr. Tharoor shows for the 'cattle class'(cant help it! i just had to include this farcical event in my blog...otherwise i wouldnt be considered amongst the fashionably knowledgeable bloggers of yore)...cynics have this air of knowing things around them...the fallacies of governments,the shortcomings of the systems,why things wont work practically when they work like a dream on paper...its this feeling of 'seen-it-all-done-it-better-than-you' that a cynic shares with his brethren which attracts the ordinary mortals towards him....however for being an actual needs to have those required personality traits...a religious belief in Murphy's laws,the ability to come up with stormclouds on the sunniest days imaginable,the ability to fret over things that are proven to be failure-proof....the charm of a cynic lies in his pessimist aura....and it needs to be strengthened witha huge scowl which scares the daylights out of the darn optimism
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